Best way to handle LOD's for a chunked terrain

Godot Version

4.3 Mono



How would i best go about creating LOD’s for terrain?, i’ve tried using the inbuild one for the ArrayMesh, but no matter how i presented the indexes it gave me nothing.

Then i switched to a setup in which i create the various tiles in various resolutions, which takes lower amount of vertices and as such has lower quality as well.

I then take all the edges of those LOD’s and binds it to the neighboring chunk which works fine, when only LOD’s are shown as long as they are the same level i have no issues at all, no seams visible or nothing.

But when i have various LOD levels visible i do see visible seams between the levels of my LOD’s. Which after some thought makes sense since they have a lower amount of details on their outer edges. so the changes of those are the visible seams i see.

So currently im at an idea that i could try to fit in an outer edge somehow which is always the same resolution as lod level 0 mesh, so if the lod level 0 is 256x256 then the width is 256 of the top and bottom row and then somehow 256 vertices from top to bottom, where my LOD vertices then are in the middle.

I have honestly no idea if that is even a good idea to try out or how to try to get it working, or if there is a better way… Im still quite new in game dev. And my dynamic terrain creator can now create big terrain 4096x4096 etc, and i have that LOD thing almost working and working on conditionally hiding etc.

With those i get around 150-200 fps at 4096x4096 terrain on 1060 card, with a shader on it using 1024x1024 textures (grass, snow, dirt, sand, rock and a matching size plane with water so i guess thats okay without 100% knowing.

But i just need to fix that thing with the LOD’s so i can go with a good feeling to the next stage in the game i wanna create :smiley: (Sims 1 like mini game xD my thought was the graphical elements in that game is not that hard xD prob. wrong tho, but hey)

So what im asking help with is mostly if someone could spare me some of their time explaining me on how to solve my issue on handling the LOD’s for my terrain.

I have been searching a bit, but either i suck at searching the right way on google or else i simply have too little idea of what to search for as of yet to find what i need to find to learn how to deal with it. So im sorry if my issue is already mentioned somewhere.

But i feel kinda stuck, so i thought i would give this a chance :slight_smile:

Best regards

Without LOD’s on

With LOD’s on