I want to make a skeleton inside Godot. I don’t want to import an FBX or GLTI scene to godot. Is that possible. To just stick up a bunch of meshes together and attach bones? I have not been able to find a single internet solution.
Well, I don’t want to add weights specifically. My original thought was a mech concept. So I just wanted to get the bones in the animation. To take care of the regular linkage. After some research technically the node tree is a good linkage replacement. As a part to the discussion I would guess naturally that I will not be able to import animation tracks from FBX? I see an unnatural relationship between 48000 frames a second and Godot 60 frames a second. Or, is that a sceptical problem? There’s a work around for that?
You can use the same skeleton for multiple models, that is called “Retargeting”. It is rather difficult to set up though, a lot of parameters must line up for it to work.
All animated models will have to have some “weights”. Weights are how much a certain vertex is affected by a certain bone.
The rest of the discussion has no value. You know what I’m talking about. How come Godot implemented their own 2D skeleton. But, they decided to import 3D physics from other models.