Can someone help me with spawning enemies in my game?

Godot Version

Hi everyone, i am a new game dev who is doing it on the side while finishing design school so I can try and get a job after I graduate (LOL). I have always wanted a game that is like OG Cartoon Wars from back in the day. I loved that game but the new versions sucked. I learned a little bit of Godot before I wanted to start making this game. I have started but really need some help with making the enemies spawn as well as making the good guys spawn. Getting them to fight each other I think I can figure out I just need help setting spawn points and making them walk towards the other side. If anyone is willing to maybe hop on a call or something so I can show you my game and what I am needing let me know!

Hi, I think this page is very good help for you.

I read through that and I think I get overwhelmed with the extra code they use that wouldn’t help in my game to where I don’t know what to use and what not to use. I think I can get it to work I just don’t know how to make the enemy spawn on just one side of the path and move towards the left. It might just be me not understanding GDscript which I think is the main issue.

id recommend watching tutorial , diving deeper into the engine , mastering gdscript before trying to make your own things tbh (or if u like making your own things more which is probably a better practise at least master gdscript and the main things abt godot)

Well, I recommend downloading the tutorial post above and checking out MobPath, it has a good explanation. Of course, I also recommend getting to know Godot a little more before starting a game project.
this link about spawning mobs in 2D games: