Godot Version
Godot 4.3
So in my score node (located in my game scene), I’m trying to implement a save_score function using FileAccess.open() so that I can display the score and high score after the game is over.
However, it seems that each time I try to create a user:// file to store my score data, FileAccess.file_exists() returns false in my death scene script.
In my score.gd:
extends Node
var score = 0
@onready var score_label = $Score
func add_point():
score += 1
score_label.text = "Score:" + str(score)
func save_score():
var score_file = FileAccess.open("user://score.save", FileAccess.WRITE_READ)
When I put this in my death_scene.gd :
var file = FileAccess.file_exists("user://score.save")
I get false in my output terminal.
In my current death_scene.gd:
extends Control
@onready var death_score = $Score2
@onready var high_score = $HighScore2
func _ready():
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func loading_score():
var score_file = FileAccess.open("user://score.save", FileAccess.READ)
if FileAccess.file_exists(score_file) :
death_score = score_file.get_string()
The death_scene script returns this error message:
Invalid type in static function 'file_exists" in type 'FileAccess'. Cannot convert from argument 1 from Object to String.
Note that my death_scene is a separate scene that's not a child node of the game node . My score node on the other hand is a child node under my game node.
I'm not sure how to display my score after a game ends.