Can't get -colonly Empty objects to import from Blender as collision shapes

Godot Version


Blender Version



Hello. I’m attempting to import a mesh from Blender with an associated sphere collision primitive that is defined in Blender using an Empty with a “-colonly” suffix as described in the docs.

The empty is getting imported as a simple Node3D rather than as the SphereShape3D that I’m expecting.

I’ve tried doing similar with a -colonly mesh object, and that one does get imported as a CollisionShape3D.

Here’s the structure of my test .blend file:

and here’s how it’s imported by Godot:

Am I doing something wrong?

Are you exporting the blender scene as a Collada .dae file?

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The example in my post was using direct import from .blend, but I got the same result exporting to .dae from Blender and importing that to Godot.