Can't operate on nodes the current scene inherits from?

Godot Version



I have a .glb file containing lots of sub-meshes. If I create a new inherited scene from the .glb file I find I can’t change anything about the nodes representing each sub-mesh - for example their material color. Also if I try to move or delete a node I get the above error as shown in the title.

I understand I can create resources from the meshes in a .glb file and then drag those resources into a scene (and edit whatever I like) but the .glb file is pretty complex and so I would prefer to create an inherited scene from the .glb file.

Is there any way I can edit such nodes when I create a scene this way?


After new inherited scene, on the parent node of the scene means node3d, press right click and press change type, then change it to Node3D again, Let`s see if its work

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Awesome! That works - at first I still couldn’t edit the material but if I save the scene then close and re-open everything is editable.

Thank-you so much KingGD

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After new inherited scene, on parent node right click and select clear inherited.
Works in Godot 4.3 beta 2


This was really helpful. Honestly I’m not sure why there are so many steps involved, but maybe I’m just missing something? The filesystem dock says that imported assets are of type “packed scene”. Is there a way to “unpack” those scenes without creating a new inherited scene, clearing inheritance, and then removing the tmp parent node?