Godot Version
4.2.2 stable
Ubuntu 24.04
Hi, I developped a run and jump game with Windows and I’d like to publish a Linux version.
I booted Ubuntu 24.04 and downloaded Godot stable 4.2.2 appImage and opened my project.
Unfortunately, when I try to run the game nothing happens and the console shows an error :
Running: /home/benoit/apps/Godot_v4.2.2-stable_linux.x86_64
Socket error: 0
Error when polling socket.
Socket error: 0
Error when polling socket.
— Debugging process stopped —
I can run the game in browser mode, though.
I don’t understand where does this socket error comes from, my game has not network feature. “Remote debug” in the Debug top menu is unchecked. Since the console does not provide additional information, I really don’t know where to look.
If I create a empty project, I can run it and it shows an empty gray window without error.
Here’s a link to the game if you’re interested :
Thank you very much !