Centering Sprite2D for animations

Hi all sorry might be a n00b question. I am using this popular sprite sheet Warrior-Free Animation set V1.3 by Clembod. I was able to get the sprite pretty much centered within the AnimatedSprite2D by using Separation and Offset in the SpriteFrames sprite sheet tool thingie. (Idk if this is a “hack” to begin with anyway).

I am moving to use a Sprite2D + AnimationPlayer, but I don’t understand how I could get the sprite centered. I have set the sheet to have Hframes/Vframes of 6/17, same as the AnimatedSprite2D, BUT I don’t see any options for Separation/Offset in the same way the SpriteFrames sprite sheet tool has.

Because the sprite isn’t centered I am having the issues everyone must have run into before, when I flip horizontally the sprite “jumps” around the axis and the collision shape doesn’t line up with the sprite.

E.g. (sorry I can only upload one pic coz I’m new, imagine the sprite unflipped is exactly where the collision shape is)

Sprite2D horizontal flipped

From my research it seems that if a sprite sheet doesn’t have the sprites already centered you’re SOL. (or fix it yourself). But this is a popular sprite sheet so I feel like there must be something I’m missing? Also I managed to do the workaround I mentioned with AnimatedSprite2D already, perhaps there is a way to manipulate offset for a Sprite2D to do something similar? I can’t seem to get it to work in the same way though. Thanks

I had a look at this sprite sheet (one of them warriors_noeffect.png).
It is 6 hframes by 17 vframes and each cell is 69x44 pixels.
They are centered to the largest drawing (the big sword swing) so most of them are off to the left.
If you are planning to just use the fliph property of the Sprite2D this will jump quite a bit.
There is the option to set the rotation point of the sprite and then set the scale.x to -1.
The rotation/pivot point can be moved in the editor via the tool that looks like + with an arrow bottom right.
Be aware that if you are scaling in the editor the .x and .y are locked together so to unbuckle them click on the chain like icon right beside the scale values.

Personally, this seems like its going to be a huge pain so I would take his sheet and in a graphics editor, create the sprites for all directions. Its a little bit more work right now but it will probably save you a bunch of hassle.

Thanks for the response. It’s good to know of your workaround solution.

I agree it’s more hassle than it’s worth, at this point in my journey I don’t really want to spend time on the sprites. So I just swapped to using a different asset XD

(not that I wouldn’t learn it eventually. But not right now)