Hi all sorry might be a n00b question. I am using this popular sprite sheet Warrior-Free Animation set V1.3 by Clembod. I was able to get the sprite pretty much centered within the AnimatedSprite2D by using Separation and Offset in the SpriteFrames sprite sheet tool thingie. (Idk if this is a “hack” to begin with anyway).
I am moving to use a Sprite2D + AnimationPlayer, but I don’t understand how I could get the sprite centered. I have set the sheet to have Hframes/Vframes of 6/17, same as the AnimatedSprite2D, BUT I don’t see any options for Separation/Offset in the same way the SpriteFrames sprite sheet tool has.
Because the sprite isn’t centered I am having the issues everyone must have run into before, when I flip horizontally the sprite “jumps” around the axis and the collision shape doesn’t line up with the sprite.
E.g. (sorry I can only upload one pic coz I’m new, imagine the sprite unflipped is exactly where the collision shape is)
From my research it seems that if a sprite sheet doesn’t have the sprites already centered you’re SOL. (or fix it yourself). But this is a popular sprite sheet so I feel like there must be something I’m missing? Also I managed to do the workaround I mentioned with AnimatedSprite2D already, perhaps there is a way to manipulate offset for a Sprite2D to do something similar? I can’t seem to get it to work in the same way though. Thanks