Godot Version
Godot.Net v4.2.1
I am trying to instance a CharacterBody2D node in a C# script. I would like to set the MotionMode of the node to Floating, but I can’t seem to find much information about how to do this in C#?
Godot.Net v4.2.1
I am trying to instance a CharacterBody2D node in a C# script. I would like to set the MotionMode of the node to Floating, but I can’t seem to find much information about how to do this in C#?
You first check documentation. even is GDScript Class, C# is close enough.
rest is to know how use C# like enums
MotionMode = MotionModeEnum.Floating;
So if I had a node characterBody2DNode
, what would be the explicit line of code in C# that would set its MotionMode to Floating?
using Godot;
public partial class MyScriptNode : CharacterBody2D
public override void _Ready()
MotionMode = MotionModeEnum.Floating;
if you referring other node in your script
var otherNode = GetNode<CharacterBody2D>("NodePath");
otherNode.MotionMode = MotionModeEnum.Floating;
Thank you!
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