Class Resource export

Godot Version

v4.2.2.stable.official [15073afe3]


I am coding a chain system for player actions. My idea is that it would be nice if the entries have a property for the action and a property for the time the player has to chain the action. With the code I pasted below, I tried keeping the ActionChainEntry in the ActionChain script since it will really only be used here.

The way I do it below does not give me the option to add an ActionChainEntry resource to the array in the Inspector as you can see in the image.


class_name ActionChain extends Resource

class ActionChainEntry extends Resource:
@export var action : Action
@export var chain_time : int

@export var action_chain : Array[ActionChainEntry]

Is there another way to do it outside of making a new script for ActionChainEntry?

You need to create a new Resource of the type ActonChainEntry in the filesystem dock

Completely missed this before. This exact case is described in the documentation.

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