Collision problem between my player and my tilemap

Godot Version



Hello, so I’m starting godot and i want to make collisions with the trees which are on a specific layer but I don’t know why the collision does nothing.
I was watching a tuto on y sorting and collision the y sorting works well but I just don’t have any collisions. So if someone has an idea that would be nice.
My supposition is that it comes from the collision of the player but I’m not sure.
(You can’t see it very well but I do have a collision shape on the player but it’s behind it)

This seems to imply you wanted to share a screenshot? Because you didn’t! With the information provided, it’s impossible to solve this for you, but have you made sure the collision_layer and collision_mask properties of both Player and TileMap are set correctly? Also, sharing the tutorial you followed could be helpful here.