Computer Crashed Now every scene gives Parse Error

Godot Version



My computer Crashed, don’t know what caused it never crashed before. I was working on a VR project, there were no errors before the crash, but now every scene i try to open gives a popup “Error while loading file ''filename.tscn”". and error messages popup in output:

modules/openxr/editor/openxr_interaction_profile_editor.cpp:260 - Parameter “profile_def” is null.
scene/resources/resource_format_text.cpp:1620 - res://Player/player.tscn:1 - Parse Error:
scene/resources/resource_format_text.cpp:1047 - res://Player/player.tscn:1 - Parse Error:
scene/resources/resource_format_text.cpp:838 - Condition “error != OK” is true.
scene/resources/resource_format_text.cpp:1620 - res://Scenes/Targets/target.tscn:1 - Parse Error:
scene/resources/resource_format_text.cpp:1047 - res://Scenes/Targets/target.tscn:1 - Parse Error:
scene/resources/resource_format_text.cpp:838 - Condition “error != OK” is true.
scene/resources/resource_format_text.cpp:1620 - res://World/title_scene.tscn:1 - Parse Error:
scene/resources/resource_format_text.cpp:1047 - res://World/title_scene.tscn:1 - Parse Error:
scene/resources/resource_format_text.cpp:838 - Condition “error != OK” is true.
scene/resources/resource_format_text.cpp:1620 - res://World/world.tscn:1 - Parse Error:
scene/resources/resource_format_text.cpp:1047 - res://World/world.tscn:1 - Parse Error:
scene/resources/resource_format_text.cpp:838 - Condition “error != OK” is true.
scene/resources/resource_format_text.cpp:1047 - res://World/title_scene.tscn:1 - Parse Error:
Failed loading resource: res://World/title_scene.tscn. Make sure resources have been imported by opening the project in the editor at least once.
editor/editor_data.cpp:626 - Index p_idx = 1 is out of bounds (edited_scene.size() = 1).

I tried reimporting the project but didn’t help. Other projects on the same drive still works, so the SSD is fine. Did i just lose my project? I have no idea what any of these errors mean. A quick online search didn’t help much as most of the parse errors has something to do with the scripts, but i can open my scripts.

Any help to recover my project would be apricated.

You didn’t use any version control system…? That sucks.

However, it doesn’t seem that you lost your project. I think that parse errors are usually related to invalid file paths or invalid child node names. For example, a path to a script file has changed but for some reason the scene file has the old path. You can try to fix errors by opening the scene files (tscn) in a text editor and changing any incorrect paths/names.

Before you do that, at least back up everything to prevent further problems. But don’t begin to rely on backups in the future, start using version control asap.

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Thanks for the reply. I opened the scene files in notepad ++ and regular notepad, to my horror every single .tscn is empty even though they still have sizes like in KB , somehow every single scene file in the project got corrupted. a freak accident I guess.

At least I still got all the scripts and models/textures so I guess i will start rebuilding each scene :sob: I’m also learning about version control to start using that asap.

I’ll wait for a bit to see if someone ells have something to add, then close post.

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Probably what’s keeping the project a float is whatever is cached in the .godot folder.

You should go to each scene in the editor and force a save on it and see if it will repopulate the tscn file.

I think there are gd scripts out there that you can run to do this programmatically. But I couldn’t tell you where to find one off the top of my head.