Connecting Signals and C#

Godot Version

4.2 Mono


Im trying to connect to the on_body_entered signal however I can’t seem to figure out what that actually looks like in C#. in GD script when you connect a signal it automagically shows up in the script

this is what i have now just so i could test to make sure collision was working but obviously this wont do for actual gameplay

using Godot;

public partial class LineOfSight : Area2D
	public override void _Process(double delta)
		var body = GetOverlappingBodies();

Got it all figured out

using Godot;

public partial class LineOfSight : Area2D
	private Node2D player;
	void MyBodyEventHandler(Node2D body) 
		if (body == player)
			GD.Print("Player Found!");
	public override void _Ready()
		BodyEntered += MyBodyEventHandler;
		player = GetTree().GetFirstNodeInGroup("Player") as Node2D;


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