Documentation sources

Godot Version



I am wondering if there is additional documentation to that on Especially with examples.
The docs site is great if you’re familiar, or somewhat experienced with Godot, but extremely vague to anyone new. Things are simply not explained, particularly for a coding approach.
For my current example, I’m looking at the Area2D document under “Signals”. I just want a sprite I’m dragging across some Area2D’s to know which Area2D to know which Area2D it is over. Seems basic. However, the area_entered and area_shape_entered entries do very little to help understand how to use these signals.
I have so far been unable to make any signal work from code (GD Script). I realise I could get one example to work using the Godot IDE tools, but that isn’t helping me to implement signals on instantiated classes. Most examples I see online are people drawing stuff in the IDE UI and filling in properties. What I’m looking for is GD Script examples and/or documentation for people new to Godot/GD Script.

BTW: I do have a signal working now after quite a bit of trial and mostly error. However, the question about GD code examples remains :slight_smile:

There are tons of tutorials on YouTube. Watching someone program while explaining it is often better than just reading the documentation.

Yes, I’ve watched quite a few, but it’s hard to find ones that use code to build their games. Maybe it’s not normal, but almost all my game is in code - I don’t really use the graphical IDE tools.

You can try my tutorial. There is a lot of code there, including areas and signals. :sunglasses:

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Try to search for a crash course of GDScript to be familiar with. A lot of your time will be spent on forums or reading documentation, so it’s probably best to start with small practices that allow you to familiarize yourself with the language and Godot.

That’s awesome! I hadn’t come across your videos, so I’ll get started. Thanks!

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Thanks. I tend to jump into the deep-end, so I could use c#, which would be more familiar, but I kind of like the GD Script idea, and I thought the existing documentation would be more aimed at GD Script than c#. I did as you suggested and found this: which while quite basic, did mention some important GD Script features that I hadn’t come across. Was definitely worth it. Cheers!

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