Godot Version
I am trying to verify if I built the C# version of godot correctly with precision=double.
I thought I did, but in C# when I look at Vector3, it still says that it contains floats and throws errors like this:
Operator '*' cannot be applied to operands of type 'Vector3' and 'double'
when multiplying Vector3 and delta.
Shouldn’t Vector3 be made of doubles when built with double precision?
Here is my build script just to verify:
# Set the nuget source
dotnet nuget remove source MyLocalNugetSource
dotnet nuget locals all --clear
dotnet nuget add source "$(pwd)/MyLocalNugetSource" --name MyLocalNugetSource
# Build godot
scons platform=windows target=editor production=yes module_mono_enabled=yes precision=double
scons platform=windows target=template_debug production=yes module_mono_enabled=yes precision=double
scons platform=windows target=template_release production=yes module_mono_enabled=yes precision=double
# Generate the mono glue
bin/godot.windows.editor.double.x86_64.mono.exe --headless --generate-mono-glue ./modules/mono/glue
# Build the mono assemblies
modules/mono/build_scripts/build_assemblies.py --godot-output-dir=./bin --precision=double --godot-platform=windows --push-nupkgs-local $(pwd)/MyLocalNugetSource