Doors/Pressure (from roblox) room generation

Godot 4.2.1.

hello, I’ve currently decided to dabble on a Doors/Pressure style game, but on Godot (because I hate Roblox’s wacky bux) so I’m currently wondering what’s the best way to go about replicating their room generation style. any pointers?

Make a bunch of scenes for Room bases, you could attach a script for random elements like loot. Give each Room a start and end point. When the player opens the next door, load a new room with it’s start point at the previous’ end point. If the start and end point is not recessed you shouldn’t have to worry about Rooms overlapping.

Very annoying to do something like this on Roblox, no natural prefab support so making all of your Rooms in ServerStorage isn’t fun.

ok so i was able to get the spawn randomly on when room clears…

func _generateroom():
	#array of rooms to make
	var rooms = {
		0: preload("res://testroomtwo.tscn"),
		1: preload("res://testroom.tscn")
	#selects the room and adds it to the parent scene
	var new_room = rooms[randi_range(0, 1)].instantiate()
	# current issue: it doesn't genersate on the correct rotation or at its start position and it only works once lol
	new_room.global_position = endpoint.position

For turns you will have to denote the rotation of the endpoint. Since your start point seems to be the object’s origin (good) you should be able to use the endpoint’s global_rotation too

new_room.rotation = endpoint.global_rotation

Of course when designing rooms make sure to rotate the endpoint’s Z to face out and away from the room. Using a Marker3D for the endpoint would be superb for this.

turns out when i reload the project all room scenes corrupt. here’s the errors that i get on launch.

though ive figured out how to set up room scenes that generate smoother from this. though new room don’t seem to count as being cleared when the player reaches the door.

That’s a shame, you could try fixing the test_room.tscn in a text editor, I do not know what you would be looking for though.

maybe a signal needs connecting once instantiated? I don’t know what code you have so far, sounds likea fairly specific issue.

i’ll make a forum post covering “the rooms getting corrupted” bit to see if i can get better asistance.

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