Error message after moving a script

Godot 3.5`

Ok so, I accidently created a script in the wrong folder, so I moved it. Now I get this error message in the output everytime I run the project. The game runs as intended, nothing breaks. I even tried removing the script from my objects, and the error still says it failed to load the script at it’s original filepath. It’s just annoying and I want it to go away, how do I do that?

its probably inside the scene-file still saved with the old path, you can open the scene that throws the error inside a texteditor and search for this resource-path

About an hour after I made this post, I thought to just close the editer and open it again, and that got rid of the error message. I wanted to delete my post before it was approved since I solved it, but apparently there was no way to do that. Sorry for wasting people’s time.

All good just mark it as solved then

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