Godot gives an error does not accept the path of Java SDK. Export to android. Linux Ubuntu 24
There was a discussion on github about this issue, but it is not resolved. The path to the Java SDK is correct, but GODOT reports an error.
I installed the JDK as stated in the instructions:
For what it’s worth, here is my OpenJDK path that I use for Android (including Quest) programming:
You will use amd64 even on Intel CPUs, and amd64 refers to the 64-bit standard that AMD developed and that AMD and Intel both use for cross-compatibility.
this path does not accept Godot :
Specified the path to SDK manually, going through each folder along the way. The path turns out to be strange. Why does Godot do this?
The program allowed export, but the .apk was not formed.
Gives an error:
Attempting to parent and popup a dialog that already has a parent.
editor/export/editor_export_platform.h:182 - Export: Failed to build Android project, check output for error