Exported exe just crashes

Godot Version



When I try to export my game, I get the error messages:
Could not create child process: rcedit “…/Cadence Builds/Cadence.tmp” --set-icon C:/Users/njgal/AppData/Local/Godot/_rcedit.ico --set-file-version --set-product-version 0.1 --set-version-string ProductName Cadence
editor/export/editor_export_platform.h:179 - Resources Modification: Could not start rcedit executable. Configure rcedit path in the Editor Settings (Export > Windows > rcedit), or disable “Application > Modify Resources” in the export preset.

However, an exe is still created. However, when I try to run the exe, it just crashes. I have tried not embedding the pck but that did not fix it. I have tried reinstalling the export template also.

I had to put the exe within the original folder for the game in order for it not to crash, I am still not sure how to embed all assets that are required into the exe

Is there anything in the console when running the exported version? I wouldn’t worry too much about rcedit unless you really want a custom icon for the .exe

I don’t think so, how can I check?

I had to put the exe within the original folder for the game in order for it not to crash, I am still not sure how to embed all assets that are required into the exe

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