Exported game is bigger than project x2

Godot 4.2.2

What happened:
I reimported all .png files in my project from lossless to vram compressed.
After that exported game increased from 2.5gb to 6.5gb. Size of project is 2.5gb.
I reimported all files manually with “import” menu.
After discovering that I reimported all files by deleting “imported” folder in .godot

Why does it happen and is there a way to decrease size?

vram compressed is a format that is compressed in VRam memory, not compressed on disk. If it’s a 2D game lossless is usually better.

You can check what files are taking up the most space on-export by delving into the .godot/imported folder.

If it’s mostly textures eating up your disk space, the best way to reduce size is to scale the textures down. For a 3D game this shouldn’t affect too much. If it’s Audio try using ogg/opus compression.

90% of size is sprites: a lot of big sprite-sheets for animations that could have size like 7000x3000 pixels and 4k backgrounds.
Because of that vram was on high load always. I try to reimport all sprites and got way falter loads and less vram load. But I don’t understand why Vram compression increased exported project size.

Maybe problem somewhere in .godot/import because sometimes I have multiple instances of one file:

.ctex is compressed texture, probably the lossless version, this does take longer to load but should result in a slightly smaller on-disk size

.md5 is a file hash, mostly for checking if the file needs re-importing. Maybe bytes in size, very very small

.s3tc.ctex is the VRam compressed texture, bigger on-disk smaller in-memory and loads directly without complex decompressing algorithms.

You probably should delete the .godot/imported folder every now and then.

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