FogVolume cutting around camera when moving in 3D space

Godot Version



I added a FogVolume to my scene, and added a Shader to it. In the scene Editor the preview is good, nothing out of the ordinary.

When playing the scene and I move the character, the fog seems to cut/disappear around the edges if I turn left or right and cut in the middle if I move the Camera up or down.

I appreciate your help

This is the shader code

shader_type fog;

uniform sampler2D noise_texture: repeat_enable;
uniform float noise_scale = 1.0;
uniform float flatness = 1.0;
uniform float density = 1.0;
uniform sampler2D gradient_texture;

void fog() {
	vec2 move_uv = vec2(0.2, 0.0) * TIME;
	float detail_noise = texture(noise_texture, WORLD_POSITION.xz * noise_scale + move_uv * 0.5).r;
	detail_noise *= 0.2;
	float noise = texture(noise_texture, WORLD_POSITION.xz * noise_scale + move_uv + detail_noise).r;
	DENSITY = mix(1.0, noise, UVW.y * flatness);
	DENSITY *= step(0.0, -SDF) * density;
	vec3 color= texture(gradient_texture, vec2(DENSITY, 0.5)).rgb;
	ALBEDO = vec3(color);

This is a screenshot of how it gets: (the entire floor should be covered with Fog)