FPS problems (FOV and some other things)

godot 4.1 -4.2
I am making a FPS multiplayer game and i ran into 2 problems that i would like to find a solution to.
1 weird camera interactions with FOV, how can i fix this

2 how can make this work in multiplayer, so each player can only see their own gun (if that makes sense

Your screenshots look like a normal result of very high FOV.

For multiplayer you would disable the first person view for other players, and enable a third person view for other players.

$FirstPersonWeapon.visible = is_multiplayer_authority()
$ThirdPersonBody.visible = not is_multiplayer_authority()
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Heres a better example of what Iā€™m, looking for for question 2 because my explanation was garbage.
lets say your using the viewport technique to avoid guns clipping into walls. the gun might have a pretty wacky scale to make it look good in a first person view, but for other players it might look weird. So essentially how can i make it so other players can see an animation separate from what you are seeing, example of what im saying.

what you see

what they would see

what you want other players to see

oh maybe im an idiot