From the Foundation board

Having felt the touch of the ban hammer across the internet over the last few years, I like your thinking.


Credit where credit is due, we have been allowed to air our grievances here, on this post, in the official godot forums.
That is an outstanding example of fairness on the part of those running the show. One certainly cannot expect the same decency in other places.


Credit where credit is due, we have been allowed to air our grievances here, on this post, in the official godot forums.

This is true. They definitely did a turn around on this as the thread has gone on. I hold hope that in the coming weeks they take steps to further address the situation.


Jesusā€¦ you guys are still on it???

Dudeā€¦ itā€™s overā€¦ cā€™monā€¦ past newsā€¦

It really seems like you want to see blood on the waterā€¦

All you guys are doing is keeping the issue alive for a ideological war (woke x non woke) that does not make any senseā€¦

You are just giving more and more content for stupid youtubers, tiktokers, instagramers, twitchers, that only make money on controversy.

Thatā€™s itā€¦ end of story.


Still on it? YOU revived the thread that had not been posted to for 2+hours. But people have concerns about the future of Godot and you want to belittle them, tell them to shut up? Many have invested time and energy over years working in Godot and yet this will all happen again because Godot seemingly has chosen a side in the ideological war you mention, rather than just be inclusive (for everybody). Perhaps thereā€™s nothing else to do, but to leave and use a fork instead. Or perhaps jump to a different engine completely. Let Godot die.

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Godot wonā€™t die. Those of you who will revenge fork, will continue to use Godot by another name. The rest of us who arenā€™t ashamed be associated with Godot will carry on. Your only way out is another engine that you hope and pray wonā€™t make a similar public statement.


Okā€¦ so you decide to leave Godot for a stupid twitterā€¦

Fair enoughā€¦ where are you going to run to then? I think I covered at least 99% of the OS and 99.9% of the game market down hereā€¦







Xbox - also Microsoft



Unless you are some sort of genius and will make everything new on your ownā€¦ you will revert to a typewriter :rofl:


Nobody complained about Godot doing Pride month, did they? Not even one person I donā€™t think?

You forgot Monogame (excellent) and SDL, plus lots of other Libs, that donā€™t fit your example. Theyā€™re out there and Iā€™ve used some of those before in my 25+ years of making games and working in the games industry. Everything just takes a bit longer. For now Iā€™ve got my eye on Redot to see where that goes, if anywhere.

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It is timeā€¦
We must return to monke

Dudeā€¦ I really donā€™t get your point hereā€¦

If you donā€™t care about Godot making a Pride month, and I go further and say that you also donā€™t mind about Black month either, and International Women Day, so what are you so upset about???

Honest questionā€¦ and this is coming from a white hetero dude hereā€¦ the only so called ā€œminorityā€ Iā€™m part of, is that Iā€™m Latinā€¦ and I donā€™t even give a fuck about it lolā€¦

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I donā€™t care about any of that, I believe in real inclusivity (for all, literally). If something really is ā€˜for allā€™ then thereā€™s no need to call out certain groups, or virtue signal. Blender is a good example of the right way to be inclusive. However, to specify certain groups, to promote them at the detriment of others, or to ban and censor people whose opinions are not ā€œright-thinkā€ is where there are problems. Godot has chosen a side here and itā€™s not one of real inclusivity, it has been political and ideological in itā€™s recent actions and thatā€™s disappointing and I believe very damaging for Godot.


Godot is for all.


Exactly, thatā€™s the idea
I donā€™t expect any company to have any view on anything other than the tool they offer me.

If I need a washing machine, I look for a washing machine, and my only intention is for it to wash well for what I am going to pay for it.

Godot is nothing more than a washing machine, I donā€™t know what pretensions of superiority the people who work there have, if they donā€™t give me a washing machine that doesnā€™t give me problems, I will have to adapt. I will wash by hand or I will be dirty through life and maybe some day another washing machine that I didnā€™t like before will be enough for me

Before this drama godot was a slow but stable tool, right now itā€™s chaos.
And that chaos has been generated by something strange that is happening in the industry lately.
Why did they get on that boat? The last thing that people who have opted for godot need is instability, godot is a serious tool that can generate a colossal amount of losses for a small company that is anxiously awaiting an update simply because of a bad decision. I wish that wasnā€™t the case.


Sadly, of all of these youā€™ve shown, I find Unityā€™s to be the least cringy.

Opinion noted, and welcome to Godot!

We all have opinions here in this arena and itā€™s okay to disagree, I think this opinion of neutrality is laking in the context of the situation. Itā€™s guided by fear and blames the victim.

We can all be adults about debate here and avoid the woe is me.

Anyway Iā€™ve run out of energy, so I rest.

All companies have views, whether theyā€™re tweeting them is another story. Godot is as stable as it was before any of this. Godotā€™s development continues regardless and will be just fine.


No. If that were true, this whole story wouldnā€™t exist.

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We are fine, just breathe. Godot and itā€™s community can weather the storm and it will pass eventually. Just donā€™t engage with the provocation. Turn off the screen for awhile and come back later. The lights will still be on. I promise.


Weā€™ll see.

It has happened before, and it will happen again as long as some confuse free speech with hate speech. With this action, some trolls from the community only helped the hate preachers on Twitter and YouTube convert more attention into money.

I donā€™t know whether an apology will come from the Godot Core team. If an apology is needed, it should be from these trolls. I even read something about death threats in the Dev Chat. This reason is enough for me to disagree with you, I could list at least 10 more.

In my opinion, the trolls couldnā€™t impose their will. It was just extra work for the moderators. Some moderators may even do this voluntarily and donā€™t get paid to filter the spam.

Unity vs Godot:

  • see ā€œUnity Runtime Fee Shitstormā€ 1y ago vs ā€œGodot Woke Shitstormā€ (on right side)
  • back then, many switched to Godot, but in this graphic it doesnā€™t look like many switched back to Unity.
  • godot fund is up a bit and not down
  • GitHub activity is normal



Where can I read about it?

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