From the Foundation board

When I read the original tweet it sounded pretty mild to me. I thought it was a not-particularly-funny, but otherwise harmless play on words.

If you’re operating under the assumption “everyone knows what woke means” you may be missing the fact there seems to be two completely different definitions floating about depending on what part of the internet you frequent. For a lot of people “woke” is just a slightly cringy way of saying “people who aren’t bigoted towards LGBTQ+/minorities”. There is also the other definition where “woke” specifically identifies people who are insufferably intolerant to dissenting opinions.

You may disagree with one of these definitions but I can tell you many people, myself included, would not have reacted hyper negatively to being called woke before following all this hullabaloo. It’s easy to talk past one another when you think one person is slinging a huge insult. I think we ought to assume good intent at least on the part of the original tweet.

They’ve admitted here that they made a mistake banning people who weren’t trolling. I don’t think it’s exactly a virtue that the CM team got “overwhelmed” and started dropping ban nukes, but honestly it’s a volunteer team so I’d be willing to forgive and move on if they demonstrate some learning here.

The only thing I disagree with (future actions notwithstanding) is personally I think it’s on Godot’s CM team to proactively go back and unban people who weren’t violating the code of conduct. Telling people to reach out, while also accepting fault is inconsistent.


It is strange that it is in Russia that I and my family have suffered from harassment by gays.

For reference. In the State Duma (a Russian parody of parliament), there are many deputies with “non-traditional sexual orientation”. These bans are proposed for the people, not the elite. The government and deputies openly demonstrate their disregard for the laws they themselves have passed.

Microsoft and Google — collecting personal data, trading it, monitoring users and imposing advertising — an example of totalitarian companies. Your positive examples are extremely strange.

The administration offered me to limit my activity (an offer that cannot be refused), so I can hardly say more. And they haven’t even explained exactly what I’m breaking the rules about. Yeah, it’s a gag.


Case in point, my reply got flagged.


Do you use Windows, Mac, or Linux?

I’m sorry it happened to you, my theory is that the oppressed eventually resort to violence themselves. I am not aware of any incidents in Germany; it has not been a crime to be gay in Germany for 30 years.

Microsoft and Google — collecting personal data, trading it, monitoring users and imposing advertising — an example of totalitarian companies.

I agree with you, but this is a topic that belongs to data protection and not to woke. There are stricter data protection laws in Europe. Here is another example of anti-woke from Germany. “Woke” also stands for environmental protection, not just recognizing gays as human beings.

Volkswagen (Dieselgate scandal)
Volkswagen suffered severe reputational damage and financial losses following the “Dieselgate” scandal, where it was revealed that the company had manipulated emissions data. This deceit and lack of ethical responsibility led to billions in fines, recalls, and a loss of trust from customers and investors. While VW has since recovered, the scandal highlighted the long-term damage caused by unethical practices.

Russia is/was a major oil, coal and gas supplier to Europe. My theory here is that your government saw its own interests threatened and created this negative sentiment against the term “woke”. Europe announced over 10 years ago that they were significantly restricting fossil fuels. All companies and countries that want to make a profit with it for longer and have hardly any other sources of income have been waging an information war against “woke” ever since. (on Twitter / X ?)

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It’s pretty dull to read a conversation where every other post is ‘why are you having this conversation’. That does not contribute to the dicussion.

Not to mention that you keep inputing the opposite of what you believe into the mouths of others.

If you want to discuss the topic, why not talk about why Godot ‘should’ get political, ‘should’ declare itself an organization aligned with this ideology. That would be the opposing viewpoint to what everyone else is saying here, not repeating the ideological sentiments of the original tweet, ‘you are with us all the way or against us for slightly disagreeing’.


Yea that’s basically what everyone else wants. But i think you downplay what the original tweet said. The term woke is highly polarized, and is used to mean one of two things.

‘I don’t agree with this’, because nearly every buzzword that means bad person is used in this way


A group of people that seek to enforce and inflcit diversity upon everything, making everything a stereotypical chariacture while also excluding anyone that doesnt agree with them or falls into one specific combination of race and gender.

And if someone takes you at your word, that you mean what you say, then what you mean is the later of those two definitions I just wrote.

No, This also drags in people who wouldn’t care either way, the word ‘Woke’ can be made to encompass a vary large set of ideals, many of the values which have been associated woke are explicitly in violation of the Godot guidelines. I just want to use Godot to make games, I don’t want to be considered ‘woke’ for using Godot.

I’d like to bring up a discussion point that I feel has either been missed or hasn’t been discussed enough.

I’m all for people liking different things, having different ideas, or seeing the world differently. That’s great! And I understand that it’s common to disagree with someone on the internet, and voicing that disagreement isn’t necessarily a bad thing, as long as it’s done respectfully.

What I don’t understand, however, is why certain people feel the need to loudly announce in everyones faces that “I’m no longer using Godot” when nothing in the actual engine has changed due to this situation. If the developers had started adding completely irrelevant or “useless” features to the engine, or if they had broken it somehow, say, to display ads or something—then, sure, I could understand why people would get upset and switch to a different engine. That would make sense! But the developers and contributors did none of that. The engine is still the same as it was before.

So what is it that pushes people away from a tool when the tool itself is just as useful as before, with the only difference being that they don’t agree with a certain number of people in the company or community who made it?


Stuff this inflammatory should never be posted by a Godot community manager, this is incredibly damaging to the community. Community managers should be told to consider the consequences before rage baiting people that don’t completely agree with Godot.

Please, I don’t want much, I just want this to not happen again, I want to know what actions are being taken to prevent this nuclear fallout from happening in the future, and obviously that doesn’t mean banning everyone so that the issue never comes back.


I was answering that question. As a Fund Member ask the moderators to show you hidden posts.


Being a fund member gives me no access to moderation tools, nor do I have direct communication with any of the moderators. I’m just another user on the forum and a user of the engine itself. I found the tool useful, so I decided to support its future development.

Unfortunately, as I mentioned, I don’t see hidden replies either. Since they were flagged by community members, they might have contained something disrespectful or offensive. I believe there are ways to contact the moderators on the forums if someone feels something was unfair, but I’ve never had to use these tools, so I’m not sure how they work.

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Moderators only respond at will. Maybe you’ll get an answer.

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I always found it strange that there were so many posts that included certain non Godot related statements. At first I wasn’t sure if the discord I joined was the offical one, because of the colorful logo.

Strange because for me as a person interested in gamedev and Godot engine, I expected to find a community that is all about that. Nothing more, nothing less.
Here a quote from @AYou that explains my thoughts on this really well:

I have no problem with any person, their views etc. It’s just the potential for conflict that I see when interests collide (which could have been avoided in my opinion) and I can’t welcome how both sides involved in the situation handled it. It was just awful und unnecessary.


If you write more than 3 lines to reply to this, it means you’ve got nothing better to do. somebody cursed. so what. someone’s hateful. so what? stop wasting your time.


Yeah. I tried to understand their point of view at first but it got frustrating and disappointing. They’ve blown this whole thing out of proportion. A tweet or series of bans like that shouldn’t ruin anything for them regarding Godot. Nothing they’ve said here or other threads have been compelling as to why they’re up in arms. It’s all nonsense. Their solutions are either Godot gives in to their demand to retract their statement, head to another engine, or they may make a fork of Godot. Which is hilarious because it’s still Godot, call it Redot, or Bigot (I can’t take credit for that last one, saw that on the hacker news site).


I hope money is worth for whoever made Godot. We had several dead woke games (all made in Ureal), the patrons thought it’s engines fault, so they decided to throw money at Godot team and it worked.

Hiding peoples opinions is bad, and just makes this whole situation much worse… the first time i came on this forum and was surprised the facist mentality where your post/question needs to be approved by “some authority” before its visible by others… sure, its to mitigate spam, and other stuff…, but what about ordinary people that have legit questions?.

Frankly im very disappointed it came to this, as i have invested my time with this engine and now my future is being compromised in association with this situation