Game intro(Splash screen, main menu)

Godot Version



Good day, I was creating a starting/opening scene for my game and faced problems with it.

The idea was: the game starts with a Splash screen(disclaimer → warning → autosave instruction → game logo, each 4secs with fade in/out) → Load scene(where player chooses to make a new saving or continue existing one) → MainMenu(where Continue, start, option, etc.). Also, the splash screen’s background is different from other two. So, there will be a BG change when splash screen ends.

The question is: how should it be organized and better for optimization? Should it be one scene where I inherit both scenes, or one scene where when one node is done it becomes hidden? I would appreciate your guidance on it, or a link to a youtube, documentation, and any other.

The tutorials I saw earlier do only mainmenu(no splashscreen), or splash screen(no mainmenu). I saw someone doing this and I think, it might be better for optimization, but dont know is this a right way to make:

Note: I am new to indie game dev and coding. Hope for your understanding and appriciate explanation in simple terms :slight_smile:

Honestly for this kind of scenes, you don’t need to optimize much.
Also scene inheritance does not bring much optimization to be honest (only better for “project management” and some marginal optimization regarding shared resources)
Do what feels like the most simple / easy to understand for your project.
What I like to do in these situations is start out “messy but working”, because it’s much easier to find the right organization/structure after having worked on the feature. Then I “refactor/organize” everything so it’s clear and straightforward.

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I done this in my game, here is how. First I created the intro scene with animation player that will show the messages, logos, etc. So when it finished, it will call a function of start_loading_to, in my own loading screen (I used canvas layer for it) that will fade out the screen and load the scene with progress (1 to 100). One more thing, it will first fade out when any scene starts at first.