Generated mipmap color issue

Godot Version



I wish to use mipmaps with my pixellated low res texture, however, when I import a texture with the generate mipmaps option selected, I get this darker portion after a certain distance away from the camera, it’s like the mipmaps are not generated with correct color formatting/gamma or something?
(this is with nearest mipmap anisotrophic selected on the material, but the same happens with any of the mipmap filter options under sampling).

If I try deselecting generate mipmaps at import, or I change the sampling filter option to nearest, the color is corrected(see below), except I now get the common issue with graininess and artifacting on pixellated textures at long distance (especially with movement, the screenshot doesn’t demonstrate it well) .

The texture is a 64x64 png, I’ve tried various import settings, lossless, vram uncompressed , exporting with ‘save gamma’ on/off in gimp, all encounter the same issue.

Just wondering if anyone has any idea’s?


It does look like the mips are being created properly but your texture just doesn’t tile well as it has very noticeable tiling.

Unless I am misunderstanding what you are wanting visually at a distance, I’d look into some other techniques if you want a close up tileable texture with that kind of contrast and something else in the distance.

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Thanks for the reply - you’re right that this doesn’t tile well, I’m using this just to show the effect since it’s the type of texture with high frequency/contrast dots that I’m using

The only issue is really with the color, I’m happy with the effect the mipmaps give when textures viewed at shallow angles (makes the distance less grainy and more clear)

better screenshot to demonstrate the darker mipmap colors, (with the mipmap bias turned up exaggerate)

edit: I’m able to somewhat fix the issue by taking the png, then export it as a dds in gimp (with the mipmaps generated with ‘gamma correction’) this visually solves the issue, but I’m not able to use this method due to conflicts with addons + other general compatibility stuff with dds.

Below screen is with mip bias turned up again just to demonstrate so it wouldn’t usually look like this, but with the dds and correctly generated mipmaps, the color is now good: