Hello, I’m trying to set up Visual Studio 2022 to be able to compile Godot 4.2.2 from source.
I cloned the Godot source, and followed the steps on this page to generate a solution file.
When I opened the solution file and tried to compile to the project, I got this error:
“The property ‘NMakeBuildCommandLine’ is not defined.”
When I opened the project settings and looked at the NMake properties, every entry I have is blank:
I have tried building Godot from the command line using Scons, and that worked, but I would like to be able to use Visual Studio. If anyone has any ideas, I would very much appreciate it.
I am using Visual studio preview so that Scons cant’t detect MSVC compiler,That’s why i was wrong,
just add the -prerelease flag to the line in SCons/Tool/MSCommon/vc.py
vswhere_cmd = [vswhere_path] + vswhere_version_args + [“-property”, “installationPath”, “-prerelease”]