Get physical space data

Godot Version

Latest version from quest store



Is there a way to get information about for example walls and or furniture in real space room? So one can for example place a plane on the real world table to place/move objects on it or an collider on it or on walls to set boundrys so objects dont move in wall or furniture in mixed reality

Thank you

You would need some pretty advanced vision detection through a camera or other sensor to achieve mixed reality. This would be way beyond my capabilities but is an interesting read if you have 20 mins to browse (before realising the hopelessness of the task).

Computer Vision open source project

Hehe thank you for Ressource, i will jump into it Out of curiousity.

But i rather was thinking about an Access to the Meta Quest already available function.not creating an Algorithm myself. I did try some ocr stuff Back in the days and struggeled. So 3d Data is way Out of my League

For now as far as i Understand the quest provides Abstract Data of the room, some Future API Change will Open to more concrete Data.

So the Question is, does Godot or openxr have a way to Access the API or some other way to get the Data


Hi @telosz,

If you install the OpenXR vendors plugin you get access to Metas Scene Discovery system that allows you to get all that sort of information.

You can read all about the scene discovery logic here: Meta Scene Manager — Godot OpenXR Vendors plugin documentation

Hi @mux213
Thank you for the Reference,
It works . What is strange though, if i do create_scene_anchors by script or by inspector it will not render the other game objects anymore, doesnt matter if i turn visible off or on.

Maybe some switch i do not see ?

get_anchor_uuids results empty array, even though i can see the created nodes in the Editor.

Thank you

Hmm, sounds like things are managed on the wrong node. Whatever root node the scene manager manages, it will add and remove nodes to match what it gets from OpenXR. So if your nodes are placed there as well, it may be removing your nodes.

Have a good look at the scene manager example in the vendors plugin repo: godot_openxr_vendors/samples/meta-scene-sample at master · GodotVR/godot_openxr_vendors · GitHub

I’m not sure why get_anchor_uuids returns empty. I haven’t looked closely enough to the implementation myself.

Thank you for the hint. It seems it was some random godot issue though.
Aditionaly i received some error in the anchor node that some keywords are are of scope out of a sudden. Then i deleted scripts nodes and so on and took some days away from the quest to avoid throwing it against the wall then i set it up exactly same way and it worked.

The array is still empty even though i can see the nodes in editor.

But i will ignore that as it is usable that way now.

So thqnk you again for the tools and all help in Forum. Now all is set up to mess around in vr


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