GitHub Actions Setup for Android

I’m working on setting up a GitHub Actions workflow for building our game for Android.

I’m currently getting this error:

Found Android plugin GodotGooglePlayBilling
Unable to open Android 'build-tools' directory.
ERROR: Cannot export project with preset "GameName-Android" due to configuration errors:
Invalid Android SDK path in Editor Settings.Missing 'build-tools' directory!
Unable to find Android SDK build-tools' apksigner command.Please check in the Android SDK directory specified in Editor Settings.
   at: _fs_changed (editor/editor_node.cpp:1012)
ERROR: Project export for preset "GameName-Android" failed.
   at: _fs_changed (editor/editor_node.cpp:1028)

I have the Android SDK installed:

      - name: Setup Android SDK
        uses: android-actions/setup-android@v2

And Java 11 installed.

My entire Android job looks like this:

    name: Android Export
    runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
      image: barichello/godot-ci:4.3
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
          lfs: true
      - name: Setup
        run: |
          mkdir -v -p ~/.local/share/godot/export_templates/
          mv /root/.local/share/godot/export_templates/${GODOT_VERSION}.stable ~/.local/share/godot/export_templates/${GODOT_VERSION}.stable
      - name: Set up JDK 1.8
        uses: actions/setup-java@v3
          distribution: 'temurin'
          java-version: 11
      - name: Setup Android SDK
        uses: android-actions/setup-android@v2
      - name: Android Build
        run: |
          echo "Using Java: $JAVA_HOME"
          java -version
          mkdir -v -p build/android
          cd $PROJECT_PATH
          godot --headless --verbose --import --install-android-build-template --export-debug "GameName-Android" ../build/android/$
      - name: Upload Artifact
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v1
          name: android
          path: build/android

The path in the editor settings points to where the SDK is installed on the desktop where I do the editing … I don’t see a way to set the SDK path specifically for a CI build. How do we handle this?

– Steve