Give a borderless window higher priority than a fullscreen window?

Godot Version



Is there any way to place your app at the front of other windows, INCLUDING fullscreen ones? I know the setting in the editor to do that, but it only works on normal windows. For example, it doesnt stay on top if I open Minecraft in fullscreen, nor Balatro in fullscreen, normal nor borderless.
Basically how do I keep a window displayed above a fullscreen application?

I don’t think what you’re asking is possible. Most of the time, the “stay on top” flag is controlled entirely by the OS, and most games will actually not work in full screen mode when you have a program that is set to stay on top of everything else. If you absolutely need to draw over other applications that AREN’T in exclusive full-screen mode, you can, but fullscreen works very different from windowed mode in most modern titles.

A bit more explanation on why I don’t think this is possible:
When you run an application in exclusive fullscreen mode, the application / game will essentially take control over the display, and the operating system’s compositing manager is bypassed. If you wanted something like the steam overlay, you’d need to hook into the graphics API directly.

Yeah…I dont think Im ready to manually mess with the gpu, thanks for the answer! Also neat to know how fullscreen works, thx for explaining. :+1: