Godot Version
Ello, im new so theres maybe something simple im messing up, im exporting a gltf from houdini, its supposed to be a mesh and it’s collision geo, which i’ve named with suffix “-colonly”, but i dont understand when i open the gltf its showing the mesh named “mesh” and “mesh2” with a grey(??) symbold “ID”?? which has the correct name, but it doesnt seem to be working when i drag the gltf into my scene the collision geo isnt recognised as such and the heirarchy doesnt look correct… im really lost.
My meshes seem to be named correctly, but when I drag my scene in they are separated into their own nulls, the collision mesh isnt detected as a collision object, in the example videos ive seen online its not really covered and its never shown how the gltf file is actually imported so the meshes appear automatically as collision geometry, is there some documentation on the exact process how to format and name gltf files so they can be imported into godot and registered as geo / collsion geo?
I was looking here, Node type customization using name suffixes — Godot Engine (stable) documentation in English , as far as I know, my gltf is formatted like this in houdini: