Godot 4 shaders - a list of video tutorials

Good! There should be one more video right before the weekend.

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I watched and enjoyed a few of your shader videos.

Would you ever consider doing a series pf short videos where you tackle one visual shader node (or an aspect of one)?

Also do you have a repo where you put example projects up?

Good idea. In fact, I already published three or four videos about visual shaders, but I plan to do more of them.

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Will definitely watch at least a couple of them. I watched a small one and it barely scratched the surfaceā€¦and Iā€™m bad at the programming language used for the shadersšŸ’€
Anyways, thanks for the tutorials!

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Glad to be helpful.

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Not exactly a shader, but still a useful effect.

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Just wanted to say what an amazing resource your tutorials are. Iā€™d seen many examples of sobel kernels in shaders but was still struggling to understand what they were doing. I was already subscribed to your channel, but it was a lucky google search that reminded me youā€™d posted a video on them. The way you explained them made everything click!

Thank you so much for all the work youā€™ve put into these!

Thanks! I tried to describe the algorithm as clearly as possible, so Iā€™m glad it worked out quite well. :sunglasses:

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