I am really new to godot i just want some sort of library which contains these images. I am using discord.gd to build a discord bot the problem is not showing the image but getting a ton of images.
You could send a HTTP(s) GET request to a web scraper like this one: Google Images API - SerpApi then parse the results and pick a random image from the results.
use HTTPRequest.new() to create a HTTP(s) request node and add_child() to add it to your scene
my_https_node.connect("request_completed", self, "a_result_function") will call a function once it completes (in this case the place holder “a_result_function”)
the function declaration should look something like this: func a_result_function(result, response_code, headers, body):
you can use parse_json() to the parse the result string into a JSON object
like this: var response = parse_json(body.get_string_from_utf8())
SerpApi can used like this https://serpapi.com/search.json?q=Kirby&engine=google_images&ijn=0&api_key=YOURKEY replace YOURKEY with a private SerpApi key. You can currently get a key for free.