Godot Survival?

For me this started exactly here: Is this really a good way to manage Godot's social media?

The moment when people were blocked for normal comments. The moment when forum threads were flagged and hidden without any reason. The moment when people were silenced/banned on the official Discord server for bringing up anything related to the topic. The moment when the Discord server invite link was disabled/deleted without any announcement, statement or warning. All of this goes completely against the Godot Foundation key policies, yet it happened, and instead of resolving the situation, the Godot officials kept pouring oil into the fire.

There were so many chances to stop for a moment and respond with something like ā€œoh it indeeds look like we might have made a mistake, weā€™ll investigate and handle that asap!ā€ for everyone: the moderators, the CoC team and especially the Community Manager. What happened instead? More blocks, more bans, more provocations, attacks and hate - all while the project officials kept silent and more and more people were blocked on all channels.

I sent an email to all CoC team members and received no response. The only official response was that statement by the Godot Foundation, way too late without responding to the actual concerns.

Iā€™m totally fine with the project being inclusive. I also donā€™t care if they spread that message through official channels if they think they can deal with the consequences. What Iā€™m not fine with is banning people for questioning that in a normal way.

Yes, some people are problematic - we all know that. Yes - the bans on Github were clearly justified. Still, Godot is a community effort after all, and that only works if people can talk to each other without having to fear to receive a ban for their opinion. And this fear was fueled by very bad management and moderation decisions the past days.

Thinking just 1 year back, Unity announced the runtime fee, and received the probably biggest shit storm in gaming history. We called them out on their official channels, forum, Discord, Twitter, Reddit, ā€¦ - did they ever try to silence us? No. They took the feedback, stayed professional and approached their community in the end. Yet the Godot Foundation (with imo much higher ethical requirements and the absolute need to maintain a healthy community) canā€™t do that? What to hire a Community Manager for then if not to manage the community?

I donā€™t see Godot just as a tool. If it was, one could easily take another engine, as there are many better ones from a pure technical standpoint. Godot is also a community, and the engine is only growing so big because of it. People talk to each other, help each other if someone gets stuck on a problem, share resources and learning material and discuss engine development or game development in general. The moment this community takes irreparable damage, be it from overmoderation, bad management or something else, the game is over and the mission of the Godot Foundation failed.

P.S.: this whole messages comes from someone who worked for the past 12 months as Community Manager for an MMO, because game development was no fun anymore after Unity decided to scare away their whole core community with horrible management decisions


The Godot foundation put out a statement, mentioning their apologies and taking responsibility of the unnecessary bans and toxic behavior. Which Iā€™m happy with. Again, this post also is narrowly focused on the Godot moderatorā€™s reaction to the toxicity. I do not condone the insults from either side. I think weā€™re all in agreement there. However, many are quick to condemn Godot or its moderators, and fail to condemn the ones who spread the toxicity in the first place. As far as the censorship goes, Iā€™m not sure how to feel about that. I suspect much of it has to do with vulgarity and bigotry from anti ā€œwokeā€ folks.


Where can I read this statement?


Can you provide a direct link?

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You might call that an apology! I think there are many others that wouldnā€™t.

But at least the creators of Godot are now aware of the situation and hopefully take the appropriate steps.

Yep, blaming the ā€œother sideā€ for the problem is always a good tactic.

How can it be single person gone rogue if its been going on for days? Very unnecessary censorship and banning all around

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Garwynā€™s account, created just a day ago (Profile - Garwyn - Godot Forum), might just be a coincidence, but to be cautious, Iā€™m choosing to ignore it. There have been several new accounts registered in the past 24-48 hours, seemingly to ā€œsupport the cause,ā€ which suggests that someone is trying to make a point while remaining anonymous.

While this situation is undoubtedly frustrating, I sincerely hope that it wonā€™t demotivate or distract the developers who continue to push Godot forward. Letā€™s hope this remains an isolated incident, remembered as just a minor disruption.


Amen, brother!


It was an obvious apology. If you canā€™t let it go, do what you will. Move on or donā€™t. I wonā€™t waste my time on this. You call it blame, I call it everyone taking responsibility for their own actions. It seems to me you take no issue with people spreading hate and bigotry if itā€™s in your favor. Fine. I wonā€™t complain. Godot will be here regardless, and I will too. Best of luck to you.

Oh wow. I shouldā€™ve known conspiratorial thinking would creep in. Thank you for saying youā€™d ignore it but not really doing that. Thereā€™s nothing secretive here. Iā€™m a game developer and I joined to learn more about Godot and to share with others. It will be a minor disruption if you guys choose to get on with your lives. We all have much to do and little time to be bickering with one another.

You have only 15 posts and only one in another thread. And it doesnā€™t make much sense. It looks like you joined not to find out for yourself, but to tell others something.

Iā€™ve clearly been preoccupied with trying to shepherd you folks back to normalcy.

We have different understandings of normalcy.

Maybe. Iā€™m not sure.

Weā€™ve already discussed this through direct messages. You have my sympathy but your situation isnā€™t related to the topic.

It has everything to do with it.

You didnā€™t convince me in our messages and Iā€™ve lost any hope you will here either. Youā€™re welcome to give it another go.