Gray Line on boundary of skybox

Godot Version

Godot Version 4.2.2-stable


I am using a simple sky shader and panaroma texture from AllSkyFree Package. However there is a grey pixel line on the boundary of the skybox.

shader_type sky;

uniform sampler2D skyTexture;

void sky() {
	COLOR = texture(skyTexture, SKY_COORDS).rgb;

The line on the boundary of skybox is marked in the below picture.

This might be because of mipmaps, I believe filter_linear_mipmap is the default texture filter. Try one without mipmaps, like this, on the uniform line:

uniform sampler2D skyTexture: filter_linear;

You can also try to disable mipmaps in the import settings and reimport.

If you want mipmaps, you usually need to disable texture repeat (uniform hint repeat_disable) to get rid of the line, but it doesn’t seem to help for sky shaders.

Thank you very much. that solved the problem.

You_re welcome! :slight_smile:

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