Hand Models Missing in VR (Godot XR Tools 4.3.3)

Godot Version

v4.3.stable.mono.official [77dcf97d8]


I think I have actually solved this issue by referencing this post, but I wanted to post a topic here to help anyone else who runs into it.

I am using HTC Vive Pro with Steam VR and noticed that hand models became invisible when Steam VR version advanced from 2.7.4 to 2.8.8.

My test user with Meta Quest 3 could not reproduce this problem.

The post linked above says that controller pose “default pose” is no longer a valid choice and recommends using “pose” instead. In my version of XR Tools (4.3.3) “pose” was not an available choice, but choosing “aim” instead of default solved the problem; my hands are now visible in Steam VR versions 2.7.4, 2.8.8.

I’ve always regretted introducing the default pose… It’s misleading because it’s just a pose in the action map called default.

I wonder if the difference between the steamVR versions is that it no longer allows two actions being linked to the same pose and it will thus disable one. There was talk about this being a rule in OpenXR that was only loosely applied by many runtimes. If so that is going to be a PITA as it’ll make the default scenario impossible and I’m going to have to remove it from the default action map.