Has anyone had hard time with ItemList and sorting rows? I got a solution

been working on this today :slight_smile:

class_name ItemListColumns extends ItemList

var _rows_count: int = 0
var select_row_to_move_to: int
var column__sorted = {}

func _ready() -> void:
	add_item_with_id(["name1", 3, 1, 3], {"id": 1})
	add_item_with_id(["name2", 3, 1, 2], {"id": 2})
	add_item_with_id(["name3", 3, 2, 2], {"id": 3})
	add_item_with_id(["name4", 3, 2, 3], {"id": 4})
	add_item_with_id(["name5", 4, 2, 4], {"id": 5})
	sort_items_by_column(0, 1, false)

func add_item_with_id(array_columns: Array,  meta_data) -> void:
	if not array_columns.size() == max_columns:
		printerr("array size is not equals to max column size")
	_rows_count += 1
	for column in array_columns:
		var index = add_item(str(column))
		set_item_metadata(index, meta_data)

func move_to_row(index: int, to_row: int) -> void:
	var i = current_column(index)
	# first in row
	index -= i
	# if same row
	if to_row == index / max_columns:
	if to_row < index / max_columns:
		# forward
		for ie in max_columns:
			_move_all_in_column(index, ie, to_row)
		# backward
		for ie in range(max_columns-1, -1, -1):
			_move_all_in_column(index, ie, to_row)

func _move_all_in_column(index: int, i: int, to_row: int) -> void:
	move_item(index + i, i + (max_columns * (to_row) )  )

func current_column(index: int) -> int:
	return index % max_columns

func current_row(index: int) -> int:
	var i = index % max_columns
	# first in row
	index -= i
	return index / max_columns

func move_to_last_selected(index: int, selected: bool) -> void:
	if selected:
		select_row_to_move_to = current_row(index)
		move_to_row(index, select_row_to_move_to)

## which column to sort
## how many rows to not sort
## in which order
func sort_items_by_column(column: int, execlude_rows: int = 1, reverse: bool = false):
	var index: int = execlude_rows
	var text_item
	var text_item1
	if reverse:
		index = _rows_count
		while index > -1 + execlude_rows:
			text_item = _get_row_text(column, index)
			text_item1 = _get_row_text(column, index +1)
			if text_item and text_item1 and text_item < text_item1:
				move_to_row(index * max_columns, index + 1)
				index += 1
			index -= 1
		while index < _rows_count:
			text_item = _get_row_text(column, index)
			text_item1 = _get_row_text(column, index +1)
			if text_item and text_item1 and text_item > text_item1:
				move_to_row(index * max_columns, index + 1)
				index -= 1
				if index < execlude_rows:
					index = execlude_rows
			index += 1

func _get_row_text(column: int, row: int):
	if row <= _rows_count:
		return get_item_text(column + max_columns * row)

func _on_item_selected(index: int) -> void:

func sort_first_row_column(index: int):
	if current_row(index) == 0:
		var _current_column = current_column(index)
		var reverse = column__sorted.get_or_add(_current_column, true)
		reverse = not reverse
		column__sorted[_current_column] = reverse
		sort_items_by_column(_current_column, 1, reverse)

func _on_multi_selected(index: int, selected: bool) -> void:

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I am not sure but, I think it would fit in “Resources/Tutorials” tag instead of “General”.


Well tried for resource but i don’t have permission. So i ended getting it here.

To share with community. My sweat of the day.

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