Help on UI and Camera2D

Screenshot 2024-11-24 130950
I need the UI to follow the smoothed camera movement but it’s following the player’s movement. it will follow the camera movement if I disable the smoothed positioning. please help :pensive:

It’s probably better to move normal UI to a new scene. Or what exactly do you want to achieve?

1 scene for player, 1 scene for UI, and put all these scenes into a main scene, that’s how you usually do it.

2d game tutorial, UI in a main scene: Heads up display — Godot Engine (stable) documentation in English

i made it more clear for u

You should set your scene another way.
CanvasLayer will always stays on active Camera. If you have only 1 Camera on player that’s enough to just reparent your scene:


Character is parent for camera.
Canvas is parent for Ui sprites.
Character and Canvas are children for the root Node2d.

Thanks soooo much but i got another problem the canvaslayer’s scale and offset is messed up now