How can i add QR Code scaner info cameraserver

Godot Version



How i can add qr Code scaner into my godot game. I would like it to check after scanning the QR code what numbers the code has or what link is there, then I would like it to check in the "assigned" file if there is that number or link saved and if there is it writes "correct" and if there is not it writes "false"

There is no QR Scanner built into Godot at the moment (and I doubt there ever will be, but who knows).
I looked around and I also couldn’t find any working plugin that would do that.
There are apparently some libraries for C# that can handle it, but I haven’t used any and I don’t know how well they work.

In conclusion, this might be way harder than you think and I would suggest you to get back to the drawing board to decide if you need QR codes specifically or if you can replace that mechanic with something easier to implement.

It’s common for QR code solutions to be using OpenCV. Doesn’t seem like there are off-the-shelve extensions for OpenCV ⇄ Godot in the AssetLib so you may have to compile a GDExtension yourself, this seems like a repo set up to compile OpenCV as a GDExtension, with a lot of functions mapped to GDScript accessable nodes.

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