How can I click through the screen while keeping a transparent screen?

Godot Version



First of all, this is my code.

func _ready():
DisplayServer.window_set_flag(DisplayServer.WINDOW_FLAG_TRANSPARENT, true)

Now when I run this, the screen becomes transparent, but the click doesn’t through the screen


I searched the web a lot, and ended up finding this solution. It seems like a terrible workaround, but it allows you to click through. I think it works by making the game window the same size as the object you pass into the method.

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i’ve been trying to figure this out as well. I’ve adjusted a lot of project settings, but cannot figure it out yet

Hey guys, this is by no mean a definite answer (I guess, because I do not test it extensively), but I made a small script that reads from a control node assigned to a group to determined clickable regions

func _process_clickables() -> void:
	var clickable_nodes = get_tree().get_nodes_in_group("Clickables")
	for node in clickable_nodes:
		if node is Control:
			var rect = node.get_rect() as Rect2
			var texture_corners: PackedVector2Array = [
			rect.position, # Top left corner
			rect.position + Vector2(rect.size.x, 0), # Top right corner
			rect.position + rect.size, # Bottom right corner
			rect.position + Vector2(0, rect.size.y) # Bottom left corner
			printerr( + " is not a Control")

here is a demo


Edit: Dont forget to call the function on the process method so every tick every clickable is recalculated

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Do I need to put the project window on always on top ?