How can I create a "Module" game asset/code base?


What I want to accomplish is simple, I think.

I want to create a drop-and-load folder that contains work I have played around with in another Godot Project.

Basically, I want to create a folder called “Pop_up” and be able to copy the folder and all its scripts and icon placeholders and texts and drop it into another Godot Project I am working on and then just fill it in with new icons and texts without having to rebuild or copy/paste the code file and recreate it.

Is there a way I can copy the “Pop_up” folder and just paste it into the new Godot Project?


That’s how most addons work! As long as you keep the file path the same anything within you Pop_up folder should work.

Have you had any issue copying scripts and resources to other projects?

Sorry for the long delay, I didn’t think anyone would reply and then I forgot I posted this lol.

Currently, I would have to create a new script and name it what I want and then copy/paste the code from the old file into the new. Essentially rebuilding it. For some reason it wouldn’t give me the option to paste the file into the other Godot project and I am unsure why.

I couldn’t click and drag it from one Godot instance to another running instance either.

That could be intentional, Godot probably sends very different information with it’s click and drags than normal filesystems; while also only accepting click and drag info from a normal filesystem like request.

I was thinking that, I will just go to the windows directory and copy paste from there to the new one and it should work if I click the refresh project button.

Just trying to figure out how to do multi line tool tips instead of long single line tips for the tool tips that pop up when we hover over custom functions.

Seems like you are doing that right, usually a space after the double hash tag.

## Doc comment start
## more doc comment
func my_funny_function() -> void:

It is just formatted weirdly. I like to add examples to my code so I know/remember how to apply it and having the example inline makes it harder to sift through at speed.

Ill probably just keep the comments inline with the function body and not worry too much about it. Its only practice for my big project I am starting soon for my Atmel microcontroller.

I see what you mean now, and I see your other thread; I’ll post a solution over there.

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