How can I make the UI always be at the edge of the screen?

Godot Version



how can I make the UI always be at the edge of the screen?

this is my curent code

@export var player_camera:Camera2D

func _input(event: InputEvent) -> void:
	#zoom the player's camera
	if Input.is_action_just_released("wheel_up"):
		player_camera.zoom.x += scroll_force
		player_camera.zoom.y += scroll_force
	elif Input.is_action_just_released("wheel_down"):
		player_camera.zoom.x -= scroll_force
		player_camera.zoom.y -= scroll_force

thank you for your attetion

A CanvasLayer node is useful for this. Create a scene with a CanvasLayer as the root node, then add any controls you would like your UI to have. For instance, a label. You can set the control’s anchor point by clicking the little anchor icon at the top of your screen. For instance, you can set it to always show up in the top edge of the screen. Save the scene (for instance, as GameHud), now add an instance to whatever scene you want.

thank you