Godot Version
`Godot 4.2.2
Firstly, I want to create drag and drop game. Therefore, I want the position of these texturerect change every time when start the game
I have 5 texturerect to be changed. How could I implement this?
`Godot 4.2.2
Firstly, I want to create drag and drop game. Therefore, I want the position of these texturerect change every time when start the game
I have 5 texturerect to be changed. How could I implement this?
You can do it like this:
func _ready():
for i in $HBoxContainer.get_children(): change_pos(i)
func change_pos(node):
node.position = Vector2(randi_range(0, 1280), randi_range(0, 720))
Don’t call randomize unless you have a really good reason. It actually reduces the quality of your random numbers if you call it repeatedly like that.
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