How do I solve this?

Godot Version

godot 4


In the case of this game I’m designing, I can carry a box and throw it in a straight line, then it flies until it hits another box and both break.
In the case of the sides, they are frames, they are obstacles with collision. So the problem is:
On the sides at the bottom, I can’t throw the box normally, because the box is not above the trunk, but on the upper part, as you can see in the image, the box should fly above the trunk, but when I throw it, it automatically destroys itself, because it identifies the trunk as being an obstacle and a collision.
I wanted the box to fly as if it were something separate from the trunk, one layer above, how do I do this? Is there a solution?

First time I’ve recommend not to use code-formatting, remove the ticks around your post.

`this is bad`
this is good

Then you can upload the image.

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ok, done, thanks bro

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So the box is supposed to be visually raised because it’s being thrown, but the collision is two dimensional, so it thinks it is farther up the Y axis, thus colliding with the borders. Is that correct?

I would try offsetting the box’s collision to be lower than it really is when flying.