How do pre-compiled modules work ? Multiplayer Steam Game

Godot Version

Godot 4.2.1


So, I’m making a multiplayer game, and I want to use steam to invite friends and all that. I know this is possible (Multiplayer: Any way around port forwarding? :: Godot Engine General Discussions), and I know I need to use GodotSteam. The thing is that there’s multiple ways to download it (like you can see in this link : GodotSteam) and I don’t know which one to download, and how to add it to my project. anyone can help me out ?

I have used GodotSteam only one time for a quick test, so take my insight with a grain of salt

First of all, are you sure you want to use a module ? To use a module, you have to use an editor+templates compiled with the corresponding module. You can download those under the “Module Pre-Compiles” sub-section, of the “Download It” GodotSteam section.

I find it less restrictive to add an external dependency in Godot via the addons/plugin system. In your case, in Godot 4, you should use the GDExtension plug-in.
(In Godot 3, you should use the GDNative plug-in)

  1. Go here : GodotSteam
  2. Download the GDExtension plug-in matching your engine version (you need 4.2 if you use Godot 4.2 !!!)
  3. Extract the content of the zip file
  4. Add the “addons” folder DIRECTLY into your project root

From there, you should be able to access the GodotSteam API from GDScript, in your project. I can only wish you luck at this point, as I haven’t tried to do what you’re doing !
When you’re sure everything is set up, you can take a look at those tutorials :

Thanks man, you’re a savior ! This is exactly what I needed.

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