Godot Version
4.4 Beta
Hello Guys! I saw the new Game tab into Godot engine 4.4 but i downloaded it, i ran the 4.4 beta but i can’t see the Game Tab! T.T Must i do something else to see the tab??? Or is this a bug?
4.4 Beta
Hello Guys! I saw the new Game tab into Godot engine 4.4 but i downloaded it, i ran the 4.4 beta but i can’t see the Game Tab! T.T Must i do something else to see the tab??? Or is this a bug?
Did you manage to find out why? I just compiled 4.4 and am missing the Game Tab as well?
Can you show a screenshot of your window?
Since neither of you specify what OS you are on, I just want to remind you that the new “Game” tab isn’t there for macOS.
Win 11 Pro
You’re not running beta1, you’re running dev3
YOU ARE RIGHT! The Beta 1 download was at the end of the post, and i used the download section XD just clicked on 4.4 i saw and i got thT AJHD LSAJDLKASJDLKJAKLD JALKDJLKA D ALL good now! THANK YOUU
So Game tab (a.k.a the biggest 4.4 feature, that one thing that would justify putting up with that terrible UID thingy) only works on Windows and Linux? When are they aiming to support it anytime soon?
I don’t know which Godot version you’re using, but the game tab is present on Mac. The only thing not available on Mac for now because of technical reasons is the embedded game window.
The game tab is present indeed! When selected it only displays a message about my OS not being supported.
P.S.: Running latest stable
The message I see on mine is that game embedding is not available, but I am still able to interact directly with the game window.
Sorry sir, you’re not helping much, you might not have understood my question properly.
Anyone else: Do we know if the Game tab on MacOS will ever be “operational”? 4.4 so far only brought burden with the .uid so makes no sense for me to use it until the game tab works on MacOS.
I think you are confusing the game tab and the embedded game window.
I am telling you that the game tab currently works on Mac (I use a Mac), but it does not currently embed your game window it into the Godot Editor like on Windows due to technical reasons. Read here
You can still click on objects directly when running your game and update the properties of the scene live, which is what the game tab is for. So the game tab is 100% operational on Mac.
Also, the answer to why the ‘Embedded game window’ is not available on Mac is here
There is no time frame for when it will be available.
Please always read the release notes. The answer to your question is there.
I appreciate your extensive support and willingness to help, sir.