<I’m trying to set pivot of progress bar at the center of it and position it at marker 2d. However, progress bar is always positioned at top left. Right now, progress bar is a child of enemy node and is set as top level. anchor preset is set to custom and x value of pivot offset is set to 50 which makes it to position at the center of progress bar.
show how you add_child the progress bar?
did you change the position before adding it as a child of the marker?
also since you are tying to add a control base type node (progress bar), it’s better to use container such as center container and add child the progress bar in it, not marker2d
yes i need to see the code for this
i didnt mean to ask for where the progressbar be added, i meant in the script code, how the add_child being added/written
Local Tab is the current not during Runtime’s scene tree, the most basic one
Remote tab’s Scene tree is the scenes list of nodes the current running game is using
so it’s a local tab then, then why do you need to change the progress bar position from code? if you can set the progress bar position right now from editor scene