How to connect to Remote Tree from Editor?

Godot Version

Godot v4.2.1 .NET 8


A have a custom Editor Window, that i want to show some runtime debug information
So I have the EditorPlugin class and the window’s class

using Godot;

namespace Entitas.Generic.Editor;

public partial class VisualDebuggerLoader : EditorPlugin
	private Control _root;

	public override void _EnterTree()
		_root = new VisualDebuggerWindow();
		_root.Name = nameof(VisualDebuggerWindow);

		AddControlToDock(DockSlot.LeftUr, _root);

	public override void _ExitTree()
using Godot;

namespace Entitas.Generic.Editor;

public partial class VisualDebuggerWindow : Control
	private Label _label;

	public override void _Ready()
		_label = new Label();

	public override void _Process(double delta)
		var isRemoteTreeRunning = TODO;
		_label.Text = isRemoteTreeRunning
			? "The project isn't running"
			: "The remote tree is live!";

But there is the question: How to check if the Game is actually running?
Engine.EditorHint doesn’t work in my case, because, as i understand, the code of the VisualDebuggerWindow is always running in the editor

I need something like Remote in Scene Dock but I couldn’t find anything>_<

Thanks in advance!