Godot Version
Godot 4.3
I am trying to create dice physics in my game, and it is working pretty fine (needs adjustments on things like throwing) but my main concern right now is that the dice feel floaty and swings for a bit before stopping like if it was really heavy or had a big inertia (video for example)
(settings : dice = rigidbody, mass = 0.001 kg / friction = 0.9 / Bounce = 0 / Gravity scale = 1; friction = 1 on the ground=staticbody)
I would like my dice to feel more realistic/snappy and quickly stop on the ground after hitting it and rolling, but I can’t find how. I tried tweaking the bounciness and friction of the dice/ground, the mass and gravity scale on the dice, but it doesn’t really change the end result.
Here is the code for the dice launch if you want (I don’t thik it is relevant to the problem but why not)
func roll_to_tile(tile : ResTileData):
var rayon = randf_range(0.1,0.3)
var angle_0 = randf_range(0,2*PI)
var start_position = Vector3(cos(angle_0),0,sin(angle_0)).normalized()*rayon
global_position = tile.world_position + start_position
#reset state
sleeping = false
freeze = false
position = global_position + Vector3(0,0.8,0)
linear_velocity = Vector3.ZERO
angular_velocity = Vector3(randf_range(0,5),randf_range(0,5),randf_range(0,5))
#random rotation
transform.basis = Basis(Vector3.RIGHT, randf_range(0,2*PI))*transform.basis
transform.basis = Basis(Vector3.UP, randf_range(0,2*PI))*transform.basis
transform.basis = Basis(Vector3.FORWARD, randf_range(0,2*PI))*transform.basis
var center_vector = Vector3(Vector3(randf_range(0,2*PI),0,randf_range(0,2*PI))).normalized()*1
#random throw impulse
var impulse_origin = Vector3(cos(angle_0),0,sin(angle_0))*0.2
await get_tree().create_timer(0.01).timeout
is_rolling = true
What should I try to fix this ?