I recently created a 3D game as one of my first video game projects. I have spent hours playtesting it with seemingly minimal stutter. When I finally exported the game as an executable and attempted to record gameplay footage for it with OBS studio I have noticed it causing some BAD stuttering to the point that it screws up my character’s movement in addition to making enemies MUCH faster than before and I am wondering if there is a list of potential alleviations to this. I released the first version to itch.io in-case you can see for yourself how it happens and any optimization tips you can possibly give about it: Rooms: The Executable by radioffline
If the stutter occurs only the first time a specific material or particle is visible, it’s most likely shader compilation stutter. You can alleviate this by displaying each material and particle in front of the camera for 1 frame (with a ColorRect node to hide this from the player).
There will eventually be a built-in solution for this so you don’t need to do this manually, but this is the best workaround for now (and is also used in other engines).